Past Life Regression

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

We are all on a spiritual journey, experiencing the growth of our Soul across many lifetimes. How have you progressed? What lessons have you learned? In what ways is Spirit still calling you to grow? Through Past Life Regression, you will be able to actually see who you were in other lifetimes.

If you feel stuck in life, unable to accomplish a goal or a dream, or continue to make the same poor choices or have addictions or bad habits, Past Life Regression can help unlock revealing memories from other lifetimes that may show how & where these blockages occurred. We carry emotional and energetic memories of past failures & achievements, broken hearts, injuries and even death from one lifetime to the next. If your Soul is fragmented across several lifetimes, it can create real areas of blockage in this lifetime. ​

Using a combination of Relaxational Centering, Guided Meditation, Open Visualization, Reiki Energy and other techniques, you will be able to access other lifetimes you have lived and begin the restoration process.

A Past Life Regression is a way to gain insight, growth and healing from accessing your own inner wisdom. It provides deep, spiritual learning from a higher perspective that helps you more easily move through life.

It releases the energy of self-defeating beliefs and emotions from current life experiences that hold a firm grip in the subconscious mind and the cellular memory of the physical body. It’s an efficient and effective way to heal and release the emotional roots of anxiety, depression or other “stuck” feelings from your present life, thereby freeing yourself of a layer of limiting beliefs. Clients have the option of working with DNA Healing, Genetic Lines Healing, Karmic Wheel, Atoms & Pineal Gland Healing.

Past Life Regression enables you to very deeply tune into and resonate with the eternal soul aspect of yourself to understand your soul’s journey and purpose.

Book your Session Now!

Cost: Kshs 12,500 per session

By agreeing to book your session you are agreeing to honor your time as well as mine. Cancellations less than 24hrs before will be charged.

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