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Crystal Alchemy

Jan 1

6 min read




I’d like to invite you all into the magical world of Crystals. You may have seen those pretty shiny rocks being sold at alternative healing shops; some have them as décor at home, and others like to wear them as jewelry. Well, you are about to discover much more about them.

Generally, crystals are highly organized atoms that form solid shapes. Metaphysically, crystals are something else altogether. They are still rocks, but they are also natural materials with consciousness and a high vibrational frequency.

Personally, I consider Crystals to be great healing gifts from nature. Crystals alter vibrations of all forms of matter around them, raising it to newer, higher levels. This shift in vibration can help bring about healing of the body, mind, and spirit, should you allow it.

Crystals, like all other forms of matter (plants, animals, and people) and consciousness (thoughts, ideas, and intentions), are actually comprised of a vibrational frequency that is  held together by energy force fields to create what we perceive in our three-dimensional world as solid, unmoving shapes.

Crystals & Energy Healing

As mentioned above, we are, at our most basic level, made up of the same vibrational energy as Crystals, only that we vibrate at different frequencies.

The vibrational energy in crystals affects the vibrations of other forms of matter around them, including us. There is a principle of physics called “entrainment” that states, when objects with different frequencies come into contact – or at least are near one another – they entrain to one another. One object’s energy drops and the other rises until they are vibrating at the same frequency.

It is through entrainment that crystals affect (and are affected by) the energy of everything around them. Since everything is vibrating at its own frequency, when one thing is placed next to another, they meet in the middle and begin to vibrate at the same rate.

So how do Crystal bring about Healing? Crystals tend to have a very high vibration. People tend to have lower vibration. Therefore, when we come into contact or are near a crystal vibrating at a higher frequency than we are, our vibration raises and the crystal’s vibration lowers until both meet somewhere in the middle.

This is how crystals can heal – by raising our vibrational rates to a higher frequency, which can bring about energetic shifts that affect body, mind, and spirit.

Your Energy Body

Just like you have a physical body with nerve endings that carry signals to your brain, similarly you also have energetic body with pathways (meridians) that connect your subtle (energetic) body to your physical body. In traditional medicine, they are known as Chakras (Sanskrit for Wheels of Life).

When the flow of energy is interrupted along a meridian it can cause emotional, spiritual, mental, and/or physical blocks. When your body is in dis-ease, it is a way of your body telling you that there is an energy block somewhere along a meridian.

There could be an overflow if this energy, or under-flow, or it may have been completely blocked off causing your body to vibrate at a much lower frequency. In such situation, Crystals can help to rebalance the flow of energy or clear out   any blocks, by entrainment (allowing the body’s Energy to match that of the crystal).

Depending on the atomic structure of the Crystal (studied using crystallography), different crystals affect they body differently.

How do you know which Crystal works for what? Or How do you which Crystal to choose when?

I’ve often had to answer these questions when teaching Crystal Alchemy. But here is what I believe about crystals:  As much as we like to choose a crystal based on its color, shape, properties, a crystal chooses you just as much.

When you work with crystals, it is more like a collaboration between your consciousness and the energy that the crystal contains.

So, when you choose a crystal to work with, it’s more about finding the best energetic fit. And here are some ways that you can do this:

  1. Seek Guidance:  Before selecting a crystal, take a moment to think about what you need the crystal for, and then, let yourself be guided towards what you are drawn to. For instance if you are using crystals to clear your heart chakra, you might think that you need a rose quartz, but then, following your inner guidance you might be drawn towards an Emerald, or a Jade.

  2. Get Physical: if you prefer to go the physical contact way, then pick up crystal one and time in your non-dominant hand and pay attention to the energy. If you feel some type of “connection”, then it’s a match.

Cleansing your Crystals

Before you begin to use your crystal, you must cleanse (not clean) them. Cleaning means ridding the crystal of any dormant, stagnant or negative energy that it may have gathered at the shop. There must have other people who may have picked it up, and the crystal may have absorbed their energies.

So, in order to return the crystal to its original frequency, you must cleanse it. Your can do this through:

  1. Smudging: Use the smoke from sage or palo santo

  2. Sound Cleansing where you place your crystals a few at a time in a singing bowl and ring the singing bowl.

  3. Placing them under the light of the Moon or the sunlight for a couple of hours.

It is important to cleanse your crystals at least once a week. If you have picked up a piece of crystal jewelry then you may need to cleanse this more often.

Getting Crystals to Work for you

Although each crystal works in a particular way, you can always set your own intensions for how you need them to work. This is known as Programming a crystal. Remember to always program them with good intentions for the highest good of all.

Always remember to express gratitude for your crystals. Sometimes, they work without you even realizing.

Also, pay attention to the subtle messages your crystals have for you. Depending on your vibrational match, you may be drawn towards a particular crystal or you may feel like giving some away because you no longer need them.

Your crystals are in constant communication with you. Once you tune into their energy, you can hear the messages they send via your thoughts and intuition. In doing so, you accept crystals into your life as partners on you.

Keeping crystals in your environment or wearing them can certainly have positive effects on your life. However, you can also incorporate Crystal Healing Energy into your life in more fun ways.


Crystal elixirs are made by adding Crystals to Water. When a crystal is left in water for several hours (usually 24 to 48), the water becomes infused with the energy of the crystals. You can drink the water, add it to your bath, and more.

It is important to note that not all crystals do well with water. Some crystals can actually dissolve f left in water for long durations of time. Some Crystals contain toxic elements. A safer way of making crystal elixirs is to place crystals all around the jar instead of inside.


I love wearing crystal bracelets. It allows me to mix and match the energy of the stones with my mood, or sometimes my outfit. But whatever the reason, I always wear crystal jewelry with intent.


Remember what we read in the previous article? You can program a crystal with anything and carry it with you. You can for instance programme it to help you stay calm no matter what, or to help you focus better at your tasks for that day. Keep a crystal, such as a piece of clear quartz, handy. When you achieve a state of bliss, glow, flow, or whatever other positive feeling you’d like to have, program the crystal with that feeling.


Use crystals to attract, wealth, health and happiness in your home according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui divides the home into sectors, and each sector strengthens or weakens various energetic aspects of your life. Place a crystal associated with that sector in  your home and allow the energy of the crystals to bring forth the elements in the specific sector.


I was really surprised a couple of years back when I came across a crystal facial roller. This is just once example where you can incorporate crystals in your daily regimes.


I have a lot of plants around my house, and all of them have crystals in their pots to add their energy to the plants to make them healthier. Moss agate, moonstone, malachite, and green calcite are all excellent stones to place in your pots to encourage the well-being of your adopted plants. I even water my plants with a crystal elixir made with smoky quartz, clear quartz, and water.

I hope you enjoyed this series in Crystal Energy Healing. Always remember, when you also a crystal to work for with you, you keep the energy of crystals flowing in your life.


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