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The Full Story

My Purpose, Passion & Mission

Hi, I’m Alia, the Silver Moon Mystic!

Over the years, I have tried to fit into many roles and it took me a very long time to discover my potential and what I was here on earth to do.

I am a Multipotentialite, with multi-faceted interests. I am a healer, a teacher, a leader, a writer, a hiker and founder of Women who Hike Africa, a Coach, a mentor, a creatrix and an Alchemist.

My pursuit has always been to be happy and to make the world a better place, to leave a legacy of the number of lives I have touched through helping others. To help people transcend, transform and transmute their current states.

This has not always been an easy task, and sometimes I found myself on the losing end. But looking back, I have learned, in Joe Dispenza’s own words that, “To Be empowered, to be free, to be unlimited, to be creative, to be genius, to be divine – that is who you are – once you feel this way, memorize this feeling, remember this feeling. This is who you really are”.  And this is who I strive to be.

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My Purpose

I believe our purpose in life is this: to live in conscious awareness of ourselves, of others around us and of the world we live in.

Through this we can chose to live life to our fullest and greatest potential by making conscious choices that bring us joy and  happiness,  by honoring and respecting that which is within us and others, and bringing  greater love and light to the world by sharing our unique gifts and talents.

For me this means combining everything I love to do into a circle of creative awareness. To help facilitate a shift in human consciousness and help others through their own awakening process and journey to bring their magic into the world.

My Passion

As an Empath, I put my empathic and intuitive skills to good use by engaging in energy healing work and holistic life coaching.

My current passion is making energy work and higher awareness easily accessible to everyone.

Utilizing energy work and a range of other modalities, I help people through their own awakening process and journey to bring their magic into the world and become the healers, coaches, guides and leaders they are meant to be.

My Mission

People come to me for a variety of reasons and it really doesn’t matter what their reason or story is because I work with the energy behind someone’s story and not the story itself.

That is where is real transformation takes place.

Working with me is a powerful, confidential alliance that creates a safe space allowing clients to dig deep within themselves to identify certain energies and situations that aren’t working in their lives, to heal themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, transforming the lead into gold.

My Journey

Meeting great teachers along my spiritual journey helped me realize that in order for me to carry out and fulfill my life work here on earth, I need to be open to collaborating with others.

I have so much creative energy in my but there is only so much that I can do on my own. And once I opened up to the idea of collaboration, opportunities started cropping up for me to do more, impact more and create more.

And I am find the courage to go deeper, to explore that which I have left hidden in this lifetime, as I dare to write and create, I become more fully alive, more fully myself, and more deeply connected with others and the world.

Where can you find me?

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